CS130a - Data Structures and Algorithms

Fall 2010

Jiejun Xu (HFH 3114)


Office hours: T 2:30-3:30,F 10:00-11:00 @csil

12/1/2010: There will be a review discussion section next Tuesday 11 to noon @ HFH 1132. Not on Friday.
11/29/2010: Please note that the deadline for the programming project is Dec 1 (noon). There will be penalties for submissions after that. The absolute last day you can turn in the programming project is Dec 3(by noon). This is a hard deadline. Any submissions after that won't be graded.
11/24/2010: Please come to the discussion section on Monday (29th). There will be evaluation and in class exercise.
11/16/2010: PA1 average 67/115, highest 114/115
11/12/2010: Grades for the first programming assingment have been sent out. Let me know if you have any questions
11/08/2010: Since there is no lecture this week, the dicussion sections on 12th and 15th will be in the form of office hour. I will not have a formal presentation. You are welcome to come ask me questions related to the class. The time and location remain the same. Initial score (accuracy) for programming assignming part I is ready, please feel free to contact me if you want to know your precentage. The final scores will be sent out next week after prof Gonzalez comes back.
11/03/2010: The grader's email address is hegde.shashank@gmail.com, please contact him if you have questions regarding your grades on quizzes and mts. I am responsible for the programming assignments. Correction: you still contact me first even if it's for the quizzes and mts.
11/02/2010: There were problems with the previous released mt1 solutions. I have created the updated version. You should see it from the course website soon.
11/01/2010: For partII of your project, make sure to generate an executable called "executeit" as oppose to "main", "rword", etc. Quite a few students didn't follow this rule in part I.
11/01/2010: I am back in town in the afternoon
10/28/2010: If you have difficulties finishing the whole project, you should try to make sure the functions for the following commands work properly: 'NewSet', 'Insert', 'IsIn', 'PrintMin', 'PrintMax', 'Check', 'Quit'. They will be tested frequently, and contribute to a significant part of your grade
10/26/2010: The instruction for Turnin is online, please follow it closely and submit ONLY the required files.
10/24/2010: I am away till Nov 1, Carter De Leo will be leading the discussion section next week. I will prepare the ppt slides, so he knows what to cover.
10/18/2010: I will be gone for conference next week, so I will have make-up office hours this week on T: 12:30~2:30 in addition to regular hours
10/13/2010: Test inputs for the project are now available on CSIL. Inputs: /cs/class/cs130a/GradeScript/f10_inputs, Outputs: /cs/class/cs130a/GradeScript/f10_outputs
10/05/2010: Class project: description   initial code   "Check()" function   Sample input   Sample output
10/05/2010: Group & Individual projects are graded

Discussion Slides
Important Note: Many slides are from textbooks, lecture notes,and other online resources. Plesse see the reference page at each set of slides for details

Discussion 1 - Time complexity, C++ review

C++ reviews from CS60

Discussion 2 - Tire, LZW compression

GP1 modification: count the # of words in the Trie that have at most 5 letters and are a prefix of at least another word Tries1.cpp
"Good exercise": count the number words containing 'a' and # of letters >2 but <6) Tries2.cpp

Discussion 3 - Hashing, Heap, Linux Makefile, Class project

Universal Hashing from CLR

Discussion 4 - Binomial heap, Valgrind, gdb

Discussion 5 - RB-tree(insert & delete)

Discussion 6 - RB-tree(concatenate), Union-Find

Discussion 7 - Trees

Discussion 8 - Q&A section

Discussion 9 - Sorting

Discussion 10 - Euler Circuit

Review Section

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